Dr. Sarah Marie Wiebe
Publications and Public Engagement
Special Issues
Wiebe, Sarah Marie, Laurence Butet-Roch and Kauwila Mahi, eds (2021). Journal of Environmental Media:
Currents of crisis: Emergent life beyond the climate emergency across the Pacific. Vol. 2(1).
Fisher, Josh, Mary Mostafanezhad, Alex Nading and Sarah Marie Wiebe, eds (2021). Environment and Society:
Cultivating Ecological Practices for Troubled Times. Special Issue on Pollution and Toxicity. Vol 12(1).
Authored Articles
Juteau, Christy, Harley Chappell, Rob Lapper and Sarah Marie Wiebe, “The Beauty Underneath: A Critical Coastal
Governance Approach to Revitalize Indigenous Shellfish Harvest,” Marine Policy, in press, 2025
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2024). “Grounded Governance: Cultivating Social Justice through Community-Engaged Learning with PEPAKEṈ HÁUTW̱ (Blossoming Place)”, Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy special issue on democratic pedagogies, in press.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2024). “A Paradox of Public Engagement: The Discursive Politics of Dilution as a Cautionary
Tale for Environmental Justice in Canada," Politics & Policy, in press.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie, “Reframing a Community in Crisis: An Intersectional Discourse Analysis of State of Emergency Declarations in Attawapiskat,” Critical Policy Studies, 2024.
Levac, Leah, Alana Cattapan, Tobin LeBlanc Haley, Laura Pin, Ethel Tungohan, Sarah Marie Wiebe., “Better
Together: Disrupting Power and Transforming Public Policy with Engaged Scholarship”, Policy & Politics,
May 2022.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2021). "Sensing Empire at Sea: SONAR, Kanaloa, and Indigenous Marine
Sovereignty", Special Issue on "Sounds of the Anthropocene", Sensate.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2020). “Crisis Atmospheres: Sensing Life on Alert, A Visceral Response to Tim Luke’s
Anthropocene Alerts”, New Political Science. 42(4): 602-610.
George, Rachel Yacaaʔał and Sarah Marie Wiebe (2020). “Fluid Decolonial Futures: Water as Life, Ocean
Citizenship and Seascape Relationality”, New Political Science. 42(4): 498-520.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie, Erynne M. Gilpin and Laurence Butet-Roch (2020). “Reimagining Attawapiskat:
Indigenous youth voices, community engagement and mixed media storytelling”, Journal of Environmental Media. 1(2): 145-166.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie and Max Ritts (2021). “The Story of Wānanalua: Stranded whales and contested marine
sovereignties in Hawaiʻi”, Environment and Space Planning E: Nature and Space. 4(2): 317-336.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2019). “Sensing Policy: Engaging Affected Communities at the Intersections of
Environmental Justice and Decolonial Futures”, Politics, Groups and Identities. 8(1): 181-193.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2019). “ʻJust’ Stories or “Just Stories?: Mixed Media Storytelling as a Prism for
Environmental Justice and Decolonial Futures”, Engaged Scholar Journal. 5(2): 19-35.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie et al. (2017), “Traveling Together? Navigating the Practice of Collaborative Engagement
in Coast Salish Communities”, Engaged Scholar Journal. 2(1): 125-144.
Bagelman, J. and S. M. Wiebe (2017). "Intimacies of global toxins: exposure and resistance in Chemical
Valley", Political Geography. 60(76-85).
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2016). “Guardians of the Environment in Canada’s Chemical Valley”, Citizenship Studies.
20(1): 18-33.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2015). “Decolonizing Engagement? Creating a Sense of Community through Collaborative
Filmmaking”, Studies in Social Justice, special issue on “Scholarship and Activism”. 9(2): 244-257.
Wiebe, Sarah (2009). “Producing Bodies and Borders: A Review of Immigrant Medical Examinations in Canada”,
Surveillance and Society. Vol. 6(2): 128-141.
Blog Posts, Opinion Pieces, Photo Essays and Reports
Audette-Longo, Trish, Sean Holman and Sarah Marie Wiebe, “Under hazy skies, opportunities for
ground-up climate disaster policy changes,” Policy Options. July 3, 2023.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie, "Author's Note: Life against States of Emergency: Revitalizing Treaty Relations from
Attawapiskat," Environmental Humanities. May 16th 2023.
Maile, Uahikea and Sarah Marie Wiebe, "When a State of Emergency is Declared, We should All be
Alarmed" Abolition. September 27th, 2019.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie and Crystal Tremblay “Our Bodies are Made of Water: Stories and Community
Vignettes” HEIW7 Humanities and Higher Education: Generating Synergies Between Science, Technology and Humanities Report, 2019. Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI).
Wiebe, Sarah Marie, Jennifer Bagelman and Laurence Butet-Roch (2019).
“Bodies Exposed: Reframing the Geopolitics of Dilution in Canada’s Chemical Valley”, Article & Photo Essay, Toxic News.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie, “Reimagining Attawapiskat: More than a Community in Crisis”, Article & Photo
Essay, Policy Options, July 2016
Wiebe, Sarah Marie, “Strive for balance when covering Attawapiskat”, Hill Times. Opinion. April 12,
Wiebe, Sarah Marie, “Honouring Makayla”, Impact Ethics. Blog Post. February 2015
Wiebe, Sarah Marie and Martin Taylor, “Pursuing Excellence in Collaborative Community-Campus
Research”, Community-Based Research Canada National Summit. Background paper.
November 2014
Bagelman, Jennifer and Sarah Marie Wiebe, “Preventing a Pipeline from Bisecting Canada”, New York
Times. Opinion Pages. Room for Debate. July 3 2014
Wiebe, Sarah and Mckay Swanson, “Offsite Impact in Canada’s Chemical Valley: Life in a State
of (non) Emergency”, Letter to the Editor, Sarnia Observer, published as: “What does an Emergency Siren Mean”? February 2011
Wiebe, Sarah and Mckay Swanson, “Plastic Pellets: From Beaches to Bodies”, Letter to the Editor,
Sarnia Observer, published as: “Mystery Pellets Need Further Investigation”, October 2010
Wiebe, Sarah and Dayna Scott, “Canada: Beyond Petroleum? From Atakapa-Iskah to Aamjiwnaang”,
published as: “Oil Spills not ‘Out There’: Feds Should Act Now to Prevent Future Crisis”, Hill Times, August 9, 2010
Wiebe, Sarah, “The Stark Reality of Canada’s ‘Phantom Veils’ for Women in Canadian Politics”.
Opinion Piece. Hill Times. August 3, 2009
Wiebe, Sarah Marie. Hot Mess: Mothering through a Code Red Climate Emergency. Fernwood Press, 2024. A
conversation with For Our Kids here, and a podcast episode for Pretty Heady Stuff here.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie. Life against States of Emergency: Revitalizing Treaty Relations from Attawapiskat.
Vancouver: UBC Press, 2023. Additional Story Map available here. Public talk on TRC Call to Action #57 available here. Recipient of the Donald Smiley Book Prize, 2024.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie Wiebe and Leah Levac, eds. Creating Spaces of Engagement: Policy Justice and the Practical
Craft of Deliberative Democracy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie and Jennifer Lawrence, eds. Biopolitical Disaster, Routledge, Interventions series (2017).
Wiebe, Sarah Marie. Everyday Exposure: Indigenous Mobilization and Environmental Justice in Canada's
Chemical Valley. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2016. Recipient of the Charles Taylor Book Award, 2017.
Book Chapters
Lawrence, Jennifer, Emily Ray and Sarah Marie Wiebe, “Critical Ecofeminism: A Feminist Environmental
Research Network (FERN) for Collaborative and Relational Praxis,” pp. 195-222, The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Politics and Theory, edited by Joel Kassiola and
Timothy W. Luke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie. “Vibrant Seascapes, Storied Lives: Environmental Reproductive Justice Across the
Pacific”, pp. 281-303, in Turbulent Times, Transformation Possibilities? Gender and Politics Today and
Tomorrow, F. MacDonald & A. Dobrowolsky, eds. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie, “Hearing or Listening? Pipeline Politics and the Art of Engagement in British
Columbia”, pp. 579-599, in Bringing Intersectionality to Policy, Julia Jordan-Zachary and Olena
Hankivsky, eds. Palgrave-Macmillan, 2019.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie, “Decolonizing research through documentary film? Indigenous environmental justice
and community-engagement in Canada - lessons from the field”, chapter in Ethics in participatory
research for health and social well-being, Sarah Banks and Mary Brydon-Miller, eds. Routledge, 2018.
Gilpin, Erynne M. & Sarah Marie Wiebe (2018). “Embodied Governance: Community Health, Indigenous
Self-Determination and Birth Practices”, pp. 127-150, in Bearing the Weight of the World: Exploring Maternal Embodiment, A. Einion & J. Rinaldi, eds. Bradford: Demeter Press, 2018.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2018). “Toxic Matters: Vital and Material Struggles for Environmental Reproductive Justice”,
pp. 313-333, Abortion: History, Politics, and Reproductive Justice after Morgentaler edited by S. Stettner, K. Burnett & T. Hay, eds. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2014). “Beyond Biopolitics? Ecologies of Indigenous Citizenship”, pp. 535- 544, The
Routledge Handbook of Global Citizenship Studies, P. Nyers & E. Isin, eds. New York: Routledge.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie and Erin Marie Konsmo (2014). “Indigenous Body as Contaminated Site? Examining
Reproductive Justice in Aamjiwnaang”, pp. 325-358, Fertile Ground: Reproduction in Canada, F. Scala & S.
Paterson, eds. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Orsini, Michael and Sarah Wiebe (2014). “Between Hope and Fear: Comparing the Emotional Landscapes of
Autism and Autistic Activism in Canada and the U.S”, pp. 147-167, Comparing Canada: Citizens, Government and Policy, L. Turgeon, M. Papillon, S. White & J. Wallner, eds. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2012), “Affective Terrain: Approaching the Field in Aamjiwnaang”, pp. 158-161, Research
Methods in Critical Security Studies: An Introduction, M. Salter & C. Mutlu, eds. New York: Routledge.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2012). “Bodies on the Line: (In)Security and Everyday Life in Aamjiwnaang”, pp. 215-236,
Natural Resources and Social Conflict: Towards Critical Environmental Security, M. Schnurr & L. Swatuk,
eds. Palgrave MacMillan.
Wiebe, Sarah Marie (2012). “Shit Ecology: Confronting the Body Boundary”, Les Cahiers de l’idiotie, D. Giroux & S.
Mussi, eds. No. 5: 251-269.
Wiebe, Sarah (Trans). Rocher, François and Marie-Christine Gilbert (2010). “(Re)Federalizing Canada: Refocusing
the Debate on Decentralization”, in Gilles Paquet and Ruth Hubbard, The Case for Decentralization. Ottawa:
University of Ottawa Press.
Wiebe, Sarah (Trans). Rocher, François (2010). Introductions to Chapters 2, and 4: “Representative Democracy”
and “Federalism, Constitutionalism and Intergovernmentalism”, in Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, Peter Russell et al., eds. (73-75; 215-218).
Media, Podcasts and Interviews
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, podcast interview with Aaron Goodman, July 2nd 2024.
Pretty Heady Stuff, podcast interview with Scott Stoneman, October 2023.
Futures Innovation Roundtable: Creating Youth Transformation with University of Hawaiʻi Faculty.
Invited panelist. October 19th 2021. Recording available online.
New Books Network, Podcast Interview with Nick Cheesman, November 29th, 2019.
Interview with Trevor Phillips, At the Edge of Canada: Indigenous Research, May 8th 2017. Podcast.
Public Talks
Learning With Syeyutsus TRC#57 Speaker Series, "You are treaty, too". Spring 2024. See:
“Moving the Dial on Equity-informed Approaches to the Climate Emergency,” co-presented with Kirsten
Mah (Capital Regional District), Community-Based Research Canada webinar, April 27th 2023. See: https://www.communityresearchcanada.ca/webinars-2023.